
I’ve collaborated with some of the world’s most successful brands to create compelling storytelling experiences—driven by user insights and focused on achieving business goals.

My hands-on experience is primarily rooted in digital UI/UX, marketing, brand development and strategy but touches on a wide variety of other areas including editorial, animation, online training, and interactive presentations. This range and depth of knowledge allows me to be an articulate and convincing advocate for creative–comfortable presenting, discussing and defending work from concept to technical execution.

As a team leader, I’ve fostered collaborative and open environments, successfully building, mentoring, and motivating cross-functional teams to achieve extraordinary results. I have a thorough understanding of modern processes, tool sets and best practices—but also rely heavily on passionate, zig zagging, coffee-fueled conversations (doing more listening than talking).

At the heart of all of my work is a dedication to solving business challenges with user-centered, concept-driven creative solutions that reach far beyond the expected—leveraging emerging platforms, technologies and innovations to support unique and impactful experiences. I believe every project should not simply address an immediate need but empower clients to evolve and flourish.

Currently, I’m working as a Creative Director at Hero Digital (formerly Clock Four) where I oversee creative and marketing strategy for a variety of clients. Full work history available at linkedin/jakelouderback

Some more about me:

  • Grew up in the Bay Area–Oakland native “Go Warriors!”
  • Taught courses in graphic design, identity principles and marketing strategies for the Academy of Art University in San Francisco.
  • BA in English from the University of California, Santa Barbara; studied Graphic Design at the California College of Arts and UX at the General Assembly.





    The space between people working together is filled with conflict, friction, strife, exhilaration, delight and vast creative potential.
    - Bruce Mau -


Not So Random Branding

The counter-culture clothing brand Supreme has a section on their site titled Random Videos; however, these videos are anything but….

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Shoe Experience

The shoe salesman said, “I have one more thing for you to consider.” He pulled a box from behind…

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I’ve worked with great clients from small startups to Fortune 500 corporations to support and design brand identities and digital experiences. Drop me a line and we can talk about new opportunities.
